Adapted from Food and Wine, November 2011 Issue, Contributed by Hugh Acheson.
¼ cup Extra-virgin Olive Oil
3 large Sweet Onions, cut into ¼-inch dice (4-6 cups)
2 Parsley sprigs
2 Bay leaves
1 Rosemary sprig
2 Thyme sprigs
½ cup Sugar
½ cup White Balsamic Vinegar
Salt and Finely Ground Black Pepper
Place herbs in chees cloth bundle or spice bag.
Heat heavy bottomed pot over medium high to high heat until oil is hot and "shimmery." I prefer cast iron for caramalizing.
Add the onions and cook stirring occasionally until golden brown about 15 minutes.
Lower heat and add the herb bundle to the diced onions, simmer, stirring occassionally until the herbs release their fragrance about 3-5 minutes.
Sprinkle the sugar over the onions and continue simmering without stirring until the sugar melts.This will take about 5 minutes.
Increase the heat to high and heat mixture to a boil, without stirring it is an amber-brown caramel color. This takes about 6-15 minutes.
Reduce heat, stir in the white balsamic vinegar and simmer over low heat, cook for about 15 minutes and stir to prevent sticking and burning on the bottom. Jam should have a thick consistency. It will continue to thicken as it cools.
Discard the herb bundle, taste then season the jam with salt and fresh ground black pepper to taste and let cool to room temperature and serve.
Spoon into serving bowl or jar.
The caramelized onion jam can be refrigerated for up to 5 days.
Recipe by What about the food? at