Open Show Santa Cruz

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A Feast for the Eyes

Blogging is a continuing journey, of creative processes that ebb and flow. Sometimes the writing of the story takes the lead, or the food so joyously concocted. Yet this past year has been about the photography and images created digitally and other flights of creative fancy. And I have also created a sister site to display these new works; Robin E. H. Ove Photography at as well as highlighting them on Instagram and my Photography Facebook page.

This work has been well received thanks to my friends new and old who have found something that speaks to them. They have also encouraged me to show my work in-real-life. Daunting to me, I am honored to be selected to be one of five photographers to present at Open Show Santa Cruz on April 11, 2018 at 6:30pm at the Radius Gallery in Santa Cruz, CA. My exhibit, A Feast for the Eyes will take the viewers on culinary experience with a selection of food photos.

Open Show Santa Cruz “Open Show organizes live social events worldwide where the public can experience compelling visual stories and interact directly with photographers, filmmakers and multimedia producers.” Each show is curated and juried for diverse content and media styles.

Open Show Santa Cruz,  April 11, 2018

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