Sweet Summer Bliss

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It’s early yet. The dry heat of summer held off by remnants of spring and morning fog on the central coast. Memorial Day has past, parade over, and our children are fidgeting in the last of their school days before they bolt out the door yelling joyously, “Summer!” But not quite yet, the clock suddenly slows, stretching out those last few days into minutes that seem to last forever.

Strawberry Lemonade

Come away with me.
It’s hot inside 
and there’s a breeze on the deck. 
The afternoon sun shimmers in the trees 
and the table is shaded just right.
Come away with me.
As we sit and sip some lemonade.
Come away with me.
As we stop thinking so much 
and let the lightness of the day 
and the chirp of the birds 
replace the noise in our heads 
and the heaviness in our hearts.
Come away with me.
As we sit together 
comfortable in the silences. 
Because, in this moment, 
we feel so connected
words are not necessary.
Come away with me.
As we sit together and just


Claire Robinson’s Strawberry Lemonade Recipe
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5 Responses to Sweet Summer Bliss

  1. Jamie says:

    How lovely… as I sit here with my feet up and dreaming what we will do this summer… cheers with a glass of lemonade.

  2. Junglefrog says:

    Ah, I love that song. Perfect, absolutely perfect for a long warm summernight… That is, if we would have any!

  3. oh, the breakfast is very romantic and beneficial) it will for sure make my spirits high for all day long)

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