The ones that got away this month

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Sometimes the good food just happens. A creative process, going so fast and furious remembering all the steps or ingredients can be a real challenge.  I don’t know about you, but this notion of writing down everything in advance, or while I’m cooking is just not my style.  Add in some real time distractions like actually eating or visiting with family around the table and soon there goes my short term memory again. 

Luckily for me,  photos are my little memory gems to help sort is all out later.  I used to call it a “Mommy Moment,” then, “Can’t remember stuff,” and now my own personal “Senior Moments,” are strung together.  Whoa, where does it all go?

Here are a few that got away from me…  you might like them.

Herb Roasted Shiitake Mushrooms

This is a keeper. Rubbed destemmed, clean shiitakes with olive oil and a melange of fresh herbs: sage, sweet marjoram, chives, Italian oregano, basil, pinch of salt/pepper, and loads of garlic. Roasted in the oven until nicely browned but not shriveled. The earthiness of the mushrooms combined with these herbs. Awwwww deliciouso! This could be the basis of many wonderful things.

Herb Roasted Shiitake

Roasted Shiitake and Chicken Campanelle Pasta

Case in point, burnt butter/chardonnay sauce using more of the herb melange over campanelle pasta. Marinated the chicken breast strips in same herb/olive oil mixture and it ties the meal together.

Shiitake Campanelle with Chicken

Guinness Porkchops and Sauerkraut

One lonely bottle of Guinness left in the refrigerator, pork loin chops, caramelized onions and bacon! Made a marinade of the beer with a pinch of caraway and fennel seeds, garlic. Used 1/2 of the marinade to soak the chops for about 1/2 hour while I crisped up the bacon and caramelized the onions.  Set those aside to drain and then seared the chops, added sauerkraut nestled around the meat, poured in the rest of the unused marinade. Cover cook about 15 minutes until done. Serve as you see topped with the onions and bacon bits.

Guinness Porkchops and Sauerkraut

Rustic Lamb Stew with Sweet Potatoes 

And on a weeknight to boot! I had never used sweet potato in this classic and boy was it good! Used other sweet root veggies as well: celery root, rutabaga, parsnips, some red wine and this turned into a bowl full of love. Great leftovers too.

Lamb Stew

Earl Grey Shortbread Cookies

I just love shortbread, simple, buttery bites. This batch flavored with Earl Grey tea and a little drizzle of semi-sweet chocolate and topped with sliced almonds. I’m going to continue to work on this as the tea flavor didn’t shine through as much as I had imagined. Poor, poor me, will have to bake some more.

Shortbread with Chocolate & Almonds

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4 Responses to The ones that got away this month

  1. bentobird says:

    Help, this is all too wonderful! Such epic yumminess Robin…I was trying to choose a fav but gave up. So, I’ll have it all, with extra portion of that divine mushroom pasta, OK?

  2. I like the “Seiñor” moment that comes after Thanksgiving when leftovers find their way into green enchiladas.

  3. Robin says:

    Hey Jenn, that pasta is yours!

  4. Robin says:

    Ole´ Brandon! Me too.

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