New Project, Old Passion — Seafood

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Swimming with the Fishes, W-E Digest is a publication from

It seems like it was a lost summer here. No posts, no news, no new images. My attention has been diverted on a new endeavor; a passion project with my friend Judith Klinger, founder of Together with many talented collaborators we have created the first edition W-E Digest. The digest is a new quarterly online e-zine with a single topic focus, introducing a 360° view of issues, art, stories, and how it relates to seafood and our waterways. Our first issue is titled, Swimming with the Fishes. If you are interested in sustainable seafood from the water to the boat, to the kitchen and our tables, there is an article or piece of art that will entice you to read or see more.

Hear from Chef Virginia Willis about the Seafood Watch’s Blue Ribbon Task Force, or see the exclusive movie clips from the award winning documentary, The Breach, about the plight of wild salmon in Bristol Bay, Alaska. Check out the provocative art galleries where fish rule, or learn how high schools students are working on the Billion Oyster project in New York. And this is just a taste of what is in-store when you dive in!

I am so excited to share this with you, especially in October which is National Seafood Month!  Please check it out and let me know what you think, just go to this link: Swimming with the Fishes

In the meantime, if you have been missing my food photos or adventures —  I have been posting on my Facebook page, and on Instagram @robinehove. I will be back posting here shortly.

And if this just makes you hungry for seafood, click on my Recipe Index and cook up something delicious! Lettuce Wrapped Halibut

Lettuce Wrapped Halibut with a green salsa twist.



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